You never know where the inspiration to volunteer can come from - people choose to volunteer for several different reasons. With so many diverse backgrounds and motives, these reasons to volunteer become guiding notions to live by towards a more productive and generous community.
So why would YOU volunteer? Contribute to building a 100+ reasons list through our blogpost by simply sharing your reason, and passing it on to family and friends so they can share theirs too… The more we recognize different incentives, the more we can give back.
What goes around, comes back around: it all rounds back to the impact you make.
من أين يأتي مصدر إلهام المتطوّع؟ الناس تختار التطوّع لعدة أسباب مختلفة. مع وجود العديد من الخلفيّات والدوافع المتنوعة، تصبح هذه الأسباب للتطوّع مفاهيم موّجهة للعيْش من أجل مجتمع أكثر إنتاجيّة وسلمية.
!وأنت؟ لماذا تتطوّع؟ أخبرنا هنا
Whether you're a student, graduate, or even an employee looking for change or a new route, volunteering is the key to all of this. Volunteering can open doors for you, give you a chance and expand your horizons to reach your goals and build your career path.
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Volunteering changed the way I view life
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Volunteering opened up my mind to the diversity of the world. It also made me grow up in a way that I would have never imagined. I not only grew up and became open minded but I became a whole different person because of it. Everyday I am a better version of myself and I have learnt that leaving an impact is what people will remember you for once you are gone!
Volunteering helped me become a better thinker. I started getting in touch with different communities, diverse backgrounds and started to get more and more into Design Thinking.
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I usually volunteer with my sister, and that’s the best quality time we get together. I also think it is only when I started volunteering that my younger sister started voicing how much she looks up to me. We learn so much from each other, and volunteering together nurtures our connection.
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The main reason why I volunteer is to reach equality between all people...How?
Let me tell you more in my following comments!
I started volunteer work when I moved back to Egypt, and ever since, I’ve become more aware of places and people who really need a hand. It’s always an eye-opening experience whether working with kids, generics or community cross section. The people always have a story or an experience that will teach you something. I can say that I’ve found my happiness within making other peoples’ lives happier and easier.
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Rescue animals
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Volunteering is the art of giving and taking. In my personal experience, it has showed me who I really am and what I want out of this life.
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To me, volunteering is a type of meditation. It has been really hard for me to reconnect with my soul and meditate, but with volunteering I noticed that I can help myself meditate and give back to my community. There is no greater feeling than helping the people in need. We are humans at the end, and our greatest purpose is to be here and help each other.
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I volunteer because I enjoy the amazing experiences you gain from it. Volunteering in enriching in a sense that it allows you to gain something new but also to share your experiences with others. Not only do you get to contribute to a great cause but you will meet amazing people during each volunteering experience!
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I like volunteering to help the helpless and draw a smile on their faces, and engage in activities that elevate the community...I appreciate all volunteers and I wish I could volunteer in big events as soon as possible
I volunteer to prove to the others that in this world there are still good people who care and help. I volunteer because its one of my personality traits. I volunteer because i know when I'm in need, I will find people who will volunteer and help just like I did.
I volunteer to spread smiles and make someone's day.
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To give a helping hand
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To make my Mama proud!
To show kindness
To be the reason behind someone’s smile
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I volunteer to be part of a proactive community that motivates individuals to learn from each other in the hopes of finding solutions to social and environmental challenges and ultimately contribute to a positive change in the world.
Help the less fortunate and the people who are left behind, without a voice.
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Volunteering is a reality check; it's my own way of staying in touch with the world around me.
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