Description: As a Kitchen Crew Volunteer you will be responsible for preparing the mouneh products like peeling, washing, chopping, grinding, making pickles, labneh mkaazleh ...
Experience: No experience needed, Just be passionate about cooking and you're IN
Hours Required: Friday and Saturday, From 8:00 A.M. Till 3:00 P.M.
From: Tuesday 24 October 2023
To: any
Governate: North Lebanon
District: Tripoli
Frequency: Bi-Weekly
Occupation: Any
Type: Community Based Organization (CBO)
Gender: Any
Languages: Arabic
Transportation: Required
Age: All
Online: No
Good Life Goals: Achieve food security and help end hunger by improving nutrition and encouraging sustainable agriculture., Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for every one of every age., Treat everyone equally., Give back to the planet as much as you take, live better and innovate ways to help it.
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